Selecting Repair Order and Job Numbering Preference

The Workfile - Numbering feature allows you to select the repair order or job numbering preference.

For users who have CCC ONE Estimating Only, this option is referred to as automatic job numbering.

For repair facilities with Repair Workflow:

Note: If the RO number was ever entered manually on the workfile, then it will always be editable even if the shop switches to automatic numbering later.

For IAs and repair facilities without Repair Workflow (i.e., Estimating Only):

Note: If the Job Number was ever entered manually on the workfile, then it is always editable even if the shop or IA changes to automatic numbering later.

To select the repair order job numbering preference

  1. Select Configure Profiles from the menu bar.
  2. Select your repair facility profile, and then select Edit from the mini-toolbar.
  3. Click on the Workfile - Numbering link under Repair Management.
  4. Select one of the options.
  5. Select Save or Save and Close to save your profile changes.


Overview - Repair Management







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